powrót do sekcji PROzdrowie
It is just passing the second year since Ola M. from Nowa Sól has become a beneficiary of our foundation. During this time she has been constantly rehabilitated. It has brought great results. Her motor coordination, balance and walk have improved significantly. At present, Ola’s parents are trying to obtain new orthoses for her (because she grown out of previous ones) that will allow her to walk longer distances. Ola has already new glasses, which greatly facilitated her everyday life. Of course, Ola still has a hard work to do. She needs physiotherapy to avoid contracture and to improve her walk. We do want to accompany her and support her!
Ola ma 3 lata i cierpi na Mózgowe Porażenie Dziecięce. Do grona beneficjentów Fundacji dołączyła w sierpniu 2015 roku. Fundacja finansuje Oli fizjoterapię. Jest ona prowadzona dwa razy w tygodniu przez panią Ulę. Dzięki terapii Ola ma szanse wyrównać napięcie mięśniowe oraz poprawić równowagę chodu.