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powrót do sekcji PROzdrowie

PROzdrowie - Marek G

PROzdrowie - Marek G (2)

Monday, 16 October 2017 08:22
Marek's G. dream

It's been a year and a half since Marek joined our community. During this time, a lot of happened to him, including the operation of elongation of the tendon of the hand, which greatly improves its mobility, but he still requires intense physiotherapy.  That is what the boy’s physiotherapist focuses on now. Some time ago Marek told us about his dream. He is interested in cars and would very much like to visit the race track.

In November he will be 18 years old. It would be wonderful to have someone with a great heart on this occasion, someone who wants to meet Marek's desire.

Wednesday, 15 February 2017 21:02
Marek G
There is no translation available.

W marcu 2016 r. do grona beneficjentów programu PROzdrowie dołączył 16-letni Marek. Cierpiącemu na mózgowe porażenie dziecięce w postaci spastycznej chłopakowi Fundacja finansuje świadczenia fizjoterapeutyczne raz w miesiącu przez 150minut.


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