powrót do sekcji PROzdrowie
On 16th of December 2017 in the Non-Public Preschool “Buzzy Bee” in Warsaw took place the Christmas market for the benefit of Paulinka whom we've been helping since 2016. The girl suffers from Cerebral Palsy. During the market there was a common singing of Christmas carols. At the stands, you could buy a variety of handicrafts prepared by beneficiaries and donors of our foundation and items made by preschoolers and their parents. During the market there was a great family atmosphere.
Od grudnia 2016 r. Fundacja finansuje 12 - letniej Paulinie zajęcia z neurologopedii. Paulinka jest chora na encefalopatię w przebiegu cytomegalii wrodzonej pod postacią niedowładu połowiczego obustronnego, znacznego opóźnienia rozwoju psychoruchowego, zaburzeń widzenia, małogłowia i padaczki objawowej.