powrót do sekcji PROzdrowie
Natalia turned 15 in February 2018. She's been with us for 3 years. During this time, she not only grew, but thanks to the physiotherapy she made great progress in terms of her movement skills. She can walk (with some help) a few steps, she is much stronger. She learned to ride a three-wheeled bike and it gives her a great joy. She also talks better, recently she started performing in recitation contests.Her mother, Mrs. Dorota is very proud of her.
W styczniu 2015 r. beneficjentem programu PROzdrowie została jedenastoletnia Natalia. Dziewczynka choruje na mózgowe porażenie dziecięce. Zarząd Fundacji podjął decyzję o finansowaniu dziecku dwa razy w tygodniu fizjoterapii metodą PNF u Pani Annny.