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powrót do sekcji PROzdrowie

PROzdrowie - Jakub T

PROzdrowie - Jakub T (2)

Friday, 24 August 2018 08:59
Kuba’s progress

Kuba is 14 years old. In June 2018 he successfully graduated from the second grade of middle school and began the summer holidays. Of course, only from education, because the rehabilitation must be continued to prevent contractures and not lose the acquired skills. From the time when in 2014 he became a beneficiary of our foundation, he developed a lot of skills. He learned to swim, to walk with nordic walking poles, and to move perfectly in a wheelchair. He still develops his passions, especially related to history, he reads a lot. He likes to learn, to meet new people, to explore new places. He challenges himself more and more.

Sunday, 29 January 2017 22:21
jakub T
There is no translation available.

Jakub jest bardzo rezolutnym chłopcem, który choruje na przepuklinę oponowo-rdzeniową i wodogłowie. Chłopiec w miarę możliwości uczestniczy w turnusach rehabilitacyjnych, a od listopada 2014 roku Fundacja zaczęła mu finansować raz w tygodniu również terapię indywidualną zakresu fizjoterapii ruchowej z elementami NDT-Bobath i terapii manualnej.

KRS: 0000326507
NIP: 521-352-42-50


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